Recent Achievements

Embedding the voice of the customer into our operations  

a man smiling at a woman
Case Study at a glance


surveys per year


customer interviews annually


overall satisfaction in 2024

We have implemented a strategic ‘Voice of the Customer’ programme across all our UK Bus companies which ensures our customers, and their needs are heard. We review customer feedback, sentiment and satisfaction every six months, using the results to guide our decisions. Additionally, we align our goals and customer service KPIs with those of Transport Focus, the independent watchdog for transport users.

Listening to our customers

To accurately capture passenger feedback, we use multiple channels and share the results at all levels of the business, including:

  • Consistently monitoring passenger feedback and responding via social media and customer services channels.
  • Taking a deep dive into feedback with our customer satisfaction survey which aims to interview c14k customers every six months.
  • Creating a tailored customer service dashboard for each operating company, which shows how they are tracking and enables them to identify issues and trends that require attention.
  • Sharing specific insights with relevant teams such as engineering, scheduling and passenger information.
  • Reviewing customer satisfaction dashboards at Board meetings and presenting a summary to the Board annually.

The combination of these tools means that our team members can be agile and quick to respond to issues as they arise. It also ensures the experiences, needs and wants of our customers are constantly informing our decision making.

Improving passenger experiences

These insights have led to specific passenger improvements which would not have happened without this programme including:

  • Provision of a flexible seating area in addition to the wheelchair bay.
  • Addition of fares data to our app-based journey planning tool.
  • Enhanced passenger information at key interchange bus stops.
  • Expansion of Tap on Tap off as a primary purchase channel offering best-fare guarantee, ease of use and time saving.
  • Implementing the Go-Ahead Way to improve facilities, bus stop conditions, bus cleanliness and safety and cater to accessibility needs.

At Go-Ahead we continue to gather and act upon customer feedback. We are consistently working to improve overall customer satisfaction by focusing on offering value for money and improving our operations through enhanced cleanliness, comfort and reliability.