Our approach to sustainability
For Go-Ahead, sustainability means reducing our negative impact and increasing the shared value created with our stakeholders, aiming to ensure the viability of our business for the long term.
Our stakeholders expect from us good practices that contribute to the long term sustainability of the organisation and deliver the best possible service to our customers.
As one of the UK’s largest public transport providers, Go-Ahead plays a vital role in underpinning social and economic activity in the communities where we operate. Bus and rail travel are also an answer to congestion and air quality issues. By providing essential bus and rail services internationally, we help people connect and get where they want to go, enabling access to education, retail, and employment.
United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations vision for a more sustainable planet has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We recognise that we play an important role in society and can contribute positively to this vision. Of these goals, we have identified five where we believe we can make a positive social impact.