leaf bulb


We strive to create positive social, environmental, and economic impact in the communities we serve. By prioritising initiatives that reduce resource consumption and grow social value, our operations can drive meaningful change.

a train on the tracks

Our approach to sustainability


a light bulb with a leaf in it

We minimise our environmental impact by striving to reduce carbon emissions, improving air quality, conserving water, and increasing waste recycling.

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a group of people in a circle

We strive to create value beyond our core business. Initiatives like the “Your Station, Your Community” fund and Chatty Bus campaigns foster inclusion, mental health awareness, and local economic development, strengthening the communities where we operate.

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a symbol of a gavel and paper

We put people and sustainability at the heart of what we do. Our approach to governance establishes how we support local communities and how we shape a greener public transport industry.

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